Look what’s happening!
You can watch our past recorded programs anytime or
watch programs as they occur live on YouTube.
In person canceled – This will be a virtual program only!
CCB Sunday, February 9th @11AM:
“We Refuse: A Forceful History of Black Resistance”
with Dr. Kellie Carter Jackson
Missed Friday evening with Mohammad Marandi? Watch it now!
Or Sunday with Janna Maria Radovsky Fröhlich, watch it here.
For listings of regional peace and justice events, see the Act-MA list, the AFSC Weekly Calendar, Boston Indymedia, United for Justice and Peace, and Massachusetts Jobs with Justice’s Resources; Centro Presente (Somerville), the Democracy Center (Cambridge), Encuentro 5 (Boston), Lucy Parsons Center (Jamaica Plain) and Spontaneous Celebrations (Jamaica Plain) also publish a ‘calendar of events’ hosted at their respective community spaces. The Community Church of Boston has also compiled a Homeless and Low Income Resource Guide 2020 for those in need.
Gun Violence in America Can and Must be Challenged! by Virginia Pratt
Articles by Rev. William Alberts on CounterPunch
Quotes from Victor Wallis, Red-Green Revolution… by Victor Wallis
After the Mid-Term Elections by Mark Solomon
Global Inequalities, Local Remedies by Rev. Dr. Norm Faramelli
What Would Gandhi Do? by David Lewit
Remembering Hiroshima with Consideration for its Current and Future Implications by Virginia Pratt
A Eulogy for Hank Faunce by Edward Beuchert
Agelessness, Ageism, And Aging by Mary Lynn Cramer
The Limits of Liberal Rhetoric: Profits vs. Jobs by Mary Lynn Cramer
It’s Time to Recall the Sub-prime Loans by Virginia Pratt
Sexually transmitted diseases in Suffolk County and Boston area rates tend to be higher than the national averages. For more information and resources for free testing in Boston contact these local health organizations.

Join us for Church services on YouTube or in person.
For a list of upcoming services & programs sign up for our newsletter here.
If you’d like to join us on Sunday in-person, mask are not required but recommended.
Mask and Hand Sanitizer are available on site.
All Programs are held on the second floor in the Lothrop Auditorium.
Small elevator, wheelchair accessible.
CCB is located near the Orange line-Back Bay or
the Green line-Copley T Stops.
On Street Parking and at Back Bay Parking Garage, 199 Clarendon Street.
Discount Vouchers available for parking in the garage.
Community Church of Boston is located at
565 Boylston Street, 2nd fl., Boston, MA 02116
web: www.communitychurchofboston.org;
email: info@communitychurchofboston.org; tel: 617-266-6710